Monday, October 31, 2011

PB Rollaways

This is a real great recipe for someone that is constantly on the move. It's quick and versatile, I've done it plain, with oatmeal, with bananas, etc. The lowest in points plus would plain, or maybe with the bananas, but the oatmeal makes it that much more filling.

Today, I'll be going over the oatmeal version.

2 Whole wheat tortilla wrap (I used chichi's whole wheat tortillas [4pts/wrap])
2 tbsp of Peanut Butter, reduced fat (I used jif creamy reduced [5pts/2tbsp])
1 package of Oatmeal (I used a store brand instant one, [3pts/packet (regular flavor])

Makes 1 serving.

Prepare your oatmeal as instructed. While you're waiting for the water to boil, heat up a skillet. Once skillet is nice and warm, place tortilla on it for approximately 10 seconds, flip it and repeat. You're just wanting to warm the tortilla and nothing more than that.

On your warm tortilla, spread 1 tablespoon on peanut butter, per wrap. Try to get as close to the edge as possible, without making it too messy to handle, this helps the tortilla stick better. Once this is done, place a layer half of the oatmeal on top of the peanut butter. Personally, I like centering mine, but you could also make the layer as thin as possible over all of the peanut butter, besides the edge areas, so you can roll it properly.

Next, we tuck and roll! Roll it as tight as you can.

After rolling, your product should resemble this. :)

Exclude the oatmeal if you want it plain, or for an equal points plus value to plain, chop up some bananas and add them in!

P+ (with oatmeal!): 6-8
Fat: 11
Carbs: 45
Fiber: 5
Protein: 11

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